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Beach Monitoring Reports
April 2022 Report
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Please contact us if you would like more detailed information.


We can provide:

  • spread sheets of all data

  • photos for each monthly measurement.


Date: 7 and 8 April 2022

Monitoring Team: 

Analysis & Report: 

Commentary: The full crescent mapping of East Beach conducted on 7th and 8th April was released by Propeller on 30th April and profiles of 12 posts transcribed into the PFCG spreadsheet.

It appears that sand gains since January remain at the backshore but there are indications that sand loss has commenced in the swash zone. Posts 8 and 9 are good examples.

A check measurement of the sand level at each post shows a number of the posts exceed the tolerance of 10cm and three posts show differences between the measured sand level and the calculated level (from Propeller) at the post of around 0.5 metre.

The data for these checks with charts is shown in valdat.pdf. (Note: Increase the magnification of the pdf to make it more legible.) Details and discussions at the next meeting.

The spreadsheet and charts for posts that appear to be out of tolerance have been withheld pending an investigation; the remaining charts are attached.

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