Governor views Port Fairy's Coastal erosion

The town's old night soil site may not be the most glamorous places to visit but the Governor of Victoria, the Honourable Alex Chernov, took a tour on his recent visit to Port Fairy.
The Governor was interested to visit the scene of one of Port Fairy's most at-risk areas due to erosion and to hear how the community is involved in assisting the Moyne Shire Council to determine solutions.
The Governor was briefed on the coastal hazards by representatives of the Port Fairy Coastal Group, Mr Nick Abbott, President, and David Bill-Thompson, Technical Officer. The briefing gave details of the beach monitoring the group undertakes each month and how the data is used to track the erosion of the dunes along East Beach. The data is analysed and passed on to the Moyne Shire Council which then uses it to inform their erosion mitigation and remediation activities and planning.
Photo (L to R) David Bills-Thompson, Mrs Chernov, the Govenor, the Honourable Alex Chernov AC QC, Port Fairy Mayor, Cr Colin Ryan, and Nick Abbott.