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Beach Monitoring Reports
August 2014 Report
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  • spread sheets of all data

  • photos for each monthly measurement.


Date: Sunday, 3 August 2014

Monitoring Team: Mark, Paul & Max

Analysis & Report: David Bills-Thompson, PFCG Technical Officer and Data Co-ordinator


Commentary: Three posts (1, 4 and 12) recorded a sand height gain since last month. Sand loss was generally less than the previous month except for posts 2 and 6 which recorded greater losses. See Sand Height 0814.pdf and Post Sand Height 0814.pdf
The Profile at post 3 reveals a gain in sand over the majority of the beach but just not at the post.

The loss at post 6 was particularly significant and apart from the special erosion at the ends of the WED structure, post 6 is now the lowest point on the beach and almost the same height as at post 8 in July 2013. See Beach Profile At Posts 0814.pdf and the post 6 profile in the spreadsheet.

The Dune Toe chart confirms the positive effect of the WEDs on erosion at post 8 and shows increases in erosion at posts either side but only a marginal increase at post 8. See Dune Toe 0814.pdf

There are indications of a negative influence on the toe distance at posts 7 and 9. Both of these posts experienced an increase in toe distance about the same time in 2013 but not as large as the increases this year. See Absolute Toe Distance 0814.pdf

There were storm events on both occasions so it is hard to isolate any effect of the WEDs on post 7 and 9 toe distances but it may be a possibility and should be watched carefully.

The spreadsheet is attached and contains other charts of interest.  







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