Beach Monitoring Reports
July 2013 Report
Date: 7 July 2013
Monitoring Team: Mark, Nick & Ian
Analysis & Report: David Bills-Thompson, PFCG Technical Officer and Data Co-ordinator
Comments: The results continue to show the area around post 8 to be the most active with the Dune Toe receding inland at a rate exceeding 1 metre per month since April 2013.
The Beach Profile in this area also confirms sand is moving seaward. ie. The sand height at the post is relatively constant but the shallow water area at high tide is becoming shallower. This is most evident in the profiles for posts 7, 8, 9 and 10. This effect is is far less pronounced from the Night Soil site down to Little East Beach where the profile is relatively stable.
In the last month, the sand height has been maintained at post 8 confirming dune collapse from the increasing toe distance undermining the dune.
Given the activity around post 8 and the rate of dune toe recession, without intervention, a dune break through seems more likely in this area than at the end of the rock wall as predicted in the Coastal Hazards Report. The rock wall ends between posts 3 and 4.
The following coordinate will place the location of post 8 onto a Google map: -38.36382244 142.2644224 or the attached image from Google Maps shows its general location.
I suggest that the Groups next item of equipment is a water and sand proof camera as domestic cameras are not suitable for constant use in this environment; one camera has already succumbed to the the salt and sand.
There are some minor changes in the Profile Graph formatting due to the inclusion of readings at 5 metres.
Dune Angle measurements are now recorded at posts 4-10.
Our Clinometer (measures angles) was donated to the group by Peter Morgan from Colac.
More information
Please contact us if you would like more detailed information.
We can provide:
spread sheets of all data
photos for each monthly measurement.
Dune toe 0713.pdf (9KB)
Post 8 profile 0713.pdf (5KB)
Sand height 0713.pdf (10KB)