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Annual General Meeting

the Port Fairy Coastal Group home page

The PFCG held its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 23 July. Chairman, Nick Abbott reported on the Group's activities for the previous 12 months with highlights including a visit by the State's Governor General, ongoing monitoring, contributing to the Western Regional Coastal Draft Plan, undertaking the Coastal Hazard Community Exhibition Project, interviews on WIN News, stories in local media and presentations to school groups and Rotary.

Other highlights for the year included the membership of junior members from the two local primary schools and the establishment of the PFCG website.

Elections were also undertaken with the following following positions filled: - Chairman: Nick Abbott

- Secretary: Chris Phillips

- Company Secretary: Ian Powell

- Treasurer: Max Holmes

- Technical Officer: David Bills-Thompson

- Beach Monitor: Jenny Young

- Committee Members: Julie Burt, Richard Fraser, Jenny Ward, Matt Hayes, Matt Hayes, Tim Doeg

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